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Image of ambassador Shane Spowart

Meet Blind Sports and Recreation Victoria Ambassador, Shane.

I became involved in blind sports around four years ago, having just moved to Melbourne. I did some research on the Blind Sports & Recreation Victoria website, deciding to get involved initially in Swish (vision impaired table tennis).

I enjoy the physical and mental challenge that playing sports provides and I now participate in other sports/recreation programs in addition to Swish, including Goalball and Blind Tennis. I also regularly attend the Vision impaired Gym program at the Hawthorn Aquatic and Leisure Centre, and this is a great program for motivation, helping me feel supported in accessing the gym. 

I also volunteer for Travellers Aid Australia and am a member of the Boroondara Disability Sport and Recreation Hub All Abilities Advisory group.  

I believe that we can all find a sport that we will enjoy, by having a go. Whether you want to play for fun and the social aspect, or you want to compete at the highest level, it is all possible.

There are so many positives about being involved. I enjoy improving my physical fitness, increasing my confidence, and the social connections - as well as the benefits for my overall wellbeing.

As an Ambassador for Blind Sports & Recreation Victoria my aim is to share the positives of being active and engaged, while encouraging others to get involved. 



Click here to read more about BSRV's other wonderful Ambassadors