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Image of 'Welcome to Tennis' Open Day. We joined in!

'Welcome to Tennis' Open Day. We joined in!

On Sunday 28 March five participants and their families turned up to Clarinda Tennis Club to get involved in blind tennis.

Aged between 10 and 70 years, we had a great mix of beginners and passionate tennis players, who worked with the coaches from Clarinda Tennis Club to learn about bind tennis and improve their skills. 

It was a lot of fun, and all the participants are excited to continue playing in the future.

Blind Tennis is a growing international sport and there are many opportunities for people to get involved socially, as well as progress to the elite levels of the sport, for those who are interested.

For teens who would like to try the sport in a relaxed and fun setting, Clarinda Tennis Club will be running an Active Teens blind tennis program for 6 weeks in Term 2, 2021. For more information click here

If you are interested in social programs supported by BSRV, or you would like to find local clubs with coaches who can teach blind tennis, please contact Allie on Email:

The Clarinda Tennis Club 'Welcome to Blind Tennis' open day was supported by: